
Holmen should apply a high standard of business ethics and all purchasing should ensure objectivity, a holistic perspective and competition.

When purchasing, employees are to strive for a Group-wide approach, create and utilise synergies and work for efficient use of resources and capital.

Purchases must be based on clear specifications by the users that meet environmental and functional requirements with the objective to reduce the total cost and increase the return. Holmen strives to have at least three approved suppliers for each product and service.

Agreements must be in writing. Purchases should be carried out from suppliers with which Holmen has frame agreements.

Permanent equipment must not be rented or leased.


Supply risks must be minimised through a process of regular supplier evaluation.

Holmen’s suppliers and their sub-suppliers are expected to follow internationally recognised principles relating to anti-corruption, human rights, health and safety, and environment.

See also Holmen’s Supplier Code of Conduct.