Manager at Holmen

The company's expectations of managers in their management and leadership roles are set out in the company's HR policy. Holmen is embarking on a new phase and our view of leadership will be updated in harmony with the work of strengthening our brand.

Leadership development

Holmen believes that every employee contributes towards the company's development. Therefore, Holmen systematically invests in development programmes for managers and employees. All new managers at Holmen are offered a place on the programme 'New Manager at Holmen'. The programme aims to provide information about Holmen's leadership philosophy, and the fundamental tools of leadership and theories that underpin that philosophy, at an early stage. The programme lasts three days and because it is attended by managers from different parts of the Group, it also enables new managers to develop their own network, which the participants find extremely beneficial during their careers in the company.

New managers are also allocated a local tutor to ensure they make a good start. These tutors are colleagues with several years of management experience. The tutor helps with navigation through the initial management period, by serving as a sounding-board and mentor.

Holmen's Group-wide leadership programme, known as HGL, is a 15-day development programme for managers who have attained a certain level of management experience. The programme is specifically designed for Holmen, interweaving theory with experience-based teaching, and giving participants the skills and capabilities to drive their own operations forwards, encouraging new ways of thinking. Participants' strengths and areas for development are also identified and discussed, making the programme a personal development journey.

HGL is a much appreciated programme which has produced results and 2018 will see the launch of the tenth programme since the initiative began in 2009.

In addition to the internal leadership development programmes, Holmen works with external suppliers on international business programmes that seek to improve the skills of managers and specialists working on strategic business issues who are considered to have good potential for further development.

Assessment of managers and employees

The employees and managers who have the qualities for – and are interested in – progressing to higher-level duties are identified through a skills provision process. This also contributes to the order of succession for important positions being secured. During the process, special emphasis is placed on bringing women's talents to the fore.

Employee surveys are another means of evaluating our activities and leadership. The survey results provide Holmen's business areas and staff units with an indication of what works well and what needs to be enhanced. Each department creates an action plan that is integrated into the business's development activity.

Performance reviews, in which personal objectives and activities are identified, and values and ambitions are discussed, are an important tool for both evaluation and development. The manager plays an important role in inspiring participation in and commitment to the company's business plan and strategic objectives, as well as setting performance demands.