The EU’s Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) from 2013 requires that pulp, paper and paperboard mills comply with tougher emissions requirements by October 2018. The environmental status of Holmen’s Swedish mills is good and the mills meet the new criteria.
Workington has applied for an exemption to the environmental authority regarding the conditions for the emissions from the mill. Workington has proposed conditions during the period of the exemption. At the turn of the year the review of the application was still ongoing.
Holmen applies certified systems for environmental, energy and quality management as well as for forest stewardship. All its systems are integrated into the business and reviewed annually by internal and external specialists.
ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 50001 and ISO 45001 are international standards for environmental management, quality management, energy management and occupational health and safety issues.
Holmen’s forestry is certified to both PEFC and FSC® . Holmen Skog also applies the environmental management system ISO 14001. The forestry certifications are a way to confirm that Holmen’s forests are managed according to recognised standards that take account of environmental, production and social assets.
Chain-of-custody certification enables wood used at the certificated units to be traced back to its origin. Holmen Skog's chain-of-custody certification provides assurance that non-certified wood has not been harvested illegally or in contravention of the rights of indigenous peoples, does not come from controversial sources, has not been genetically modified and does not come from natural forests that have been converted into plantations.
PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification – is an international system for forestry certification. By applying PEFC’s Chain of Custody certification, Holmen is able to ensure that our wood raw material comes from sustainably managed forests.
PEFC Forest management - Holmen Forest
PEFC Chain of custody certificate - Holmen Forest
PEFC Report own forest forestry - Holmen Forest
PEFC Report own forest harvesting - Holmen Forest
PEFC Group certificate - Holmen Forest
PEFC- Holmen Paper - Bravikens paper Mill
PEFC - Holmen Paper - Hallsta paper Mill
FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council® – is an international member organisation that works to promote responsible use of the world’s forests.
FSC® Forest Stewardship Council Holmen Forest
FSC® Holmen Mets - Holmen Forest
FSC® Report own forest - Holmen Forest
FSC® Report Group - Holmen Forest
FSC® - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard - Iggesund mill
FSC® - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Ltd- Workingtons mill
FSC® - Chain of Custody - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Ltd Forestry
FSC® - Holmen Paper - Bravikens paper Mill
FSC® - Holmen Paper - Hallsta paper Mill
FSC® - Holmen Wood Products AB
FSC® - Holmen Wood Products AB - Bravikens sawmill
FSC® - Holmen Wood Products AB - Bygdsiljums sawmill
FSC® - Holmen Wood Products AB - Iggesund sawmill
FSC® - Holmen Wood Products AB - Kroksjöns sawmill
FSC® - Holmen Wood Products AB - Linghem sawmill
FSC® - Martinsons byggsystem AB
The EU Ecolabel is the official ecolabel of the European Union. The ecolabelling criteria are drawn up by responsible bodies in the Member States. To achieve certification, the products are assessed from a life cycle perspective from raw material to waste. The products have to meet strict environmental, functional and quality requirements. These requirements are tightened on a continuous basis.
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard for environmental management that helps to identify, prioritise and manage the operation’s environmental impact. Certifying our plants to the standard enables us to be proactive in our environmental work and focus on continuous improvement.
ISO 14001 - Iggesund Paperboard - Iggesunds mill
ISO 14001 - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Workington mill (integrated certificate)
ISO 14001 - Holmen Paper - Bravikens paper mill
ISO 14001 - Holmen Paper - Hallsta paper mill
ISO 9001 is a management standard used by companies all over the world to quality assure all their operational processes. Based on the customers’ needs and expectations, the standard helps us to maintain the high levels of quality for which we are so well known.
ISO 9001 - Iggesund Paperboard - Iggesunds mill
ISO 9001 - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Workington mill (integrated certificate)
ISO 9001 - Holmen Paper - Bravikens papermill
ISO 9001 - Holmen Paper - Hallsta papermill
ISO 9001 - Holmen Wood Products - Bravikens and Iggesunds saw mill
ISO 50001 is an international standard for the development of an energy management system. The standard is used to survey the operation’s energy consumption and develop strategies and processes to reduce Holmen’s energy use and thus our impact on the environment.
ISO 50001 - Iggesund Paperboard - Iggesunds mill
ISO 50001 - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Workington mill (integrated certificate)
ISO 50001 - Holmen Paper - Bravikens papermill
ISO 50001 - Holmen Paper - Hallsta papermill
ISO 45001 (earlier OHSAS 18001) is an international standard that is used to certify health and safety management systems. In certifying ourselves under this standard, Holmen gains an opportunity not only to manage existing health and safety risks, but also to work proactively on improving the work environment for employees and contracted personnel.
ISO 45001 - Iggesund Paperboard - Iggesund mill
ISO 45001 - Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Workington mill (integrated certificate)
ISO 45001 - Holmen Paper - Bravikens papermill
ISO 45001 - Holmen Paper - Hallsta papermill
Holmen runs several types of operations that may be certified to various standards. Here we have gathered the certifications that do not fall into any of the categories above, but we feel should be highlighted as further evidence of our responsibility. The business areas’ own websites list additional certifications and permits.
Composting Invercote G
Composting Invercote GP+Bio P
Environmental declaration Invercote 2018
Environmental declaration Incada 2018
ISO 22000 - Iggesund Paperboard - Workington Site
FSSC 22000 - Iggesund Paperboard - Iggesund Mill and Strömsbruk Mill
Impregnated wood products
NTR-Certificate - Braviken sawmill
NTR-Certificate - Kroksjön sawmill
Structural timber
Declaration of performance C14 - Braviken sawmill
Declaration of performance C24 - Braviken sawmill
Factory production control C14 - Braviken sawmill
Factory production control ≤ C35 14081 - Braviken sawmill
UK Certificate of Conformity (EN 14081) - Bravikens Sawmill
Factory production control ≤ C35 14081 - Iggesund sawmill
Factory production control Visually strenght graded EN 14081 - Linghem sawmill
UK Certificate of Conformity (EN 14081) - Linghem sawmill
Sawn timber
Bravikens sawmill ISPM 15 certificate
Bygdsiljums sawmill ISPM 15 certificate
Iggesunds sawmill ISPM 15 certificate
Kroksjöns sawmill ISPM 15 certificate
Linghems sawmill ISPM 15 certificate
Bravikens sawmill KD 56°C/30 min certificate
Bygdsiljums sawmill KD 56°C/30 min certificate
Iggesunds sawmill KD 56°C/30 min certificate