- Profit after net financial items increased by 15 per cent to SKr 2,338 million (1997: 2,026). The fourth-quarter profit amounted to SKr 441 million, compared to SKr 506 million for the third quarter.
- Profit for the year after tax amounted to SKr 2,504 million (1,434), which corresponds to earnings per share of SKr 28.20 (16.10). The return on equity was 14.4 per cent (9.0).
- The Board proposes to increase the dividend to SKr 10 per share (9). The Board also proposes payment of an extra dividend of SKr 35 per share.
- Sustained healthy demand and stable prices characterised newsprint and magazine paper. The balance on the market for paperboard and fine paper was unfavourable, partly on account of low exports to Asia and Russia. Paperboard prices were stable during the year. Fine paper prices were under pressure and fell slightly towards the end of the year.
- Capacity utilisation was high in the newsprint and magazine paper segment throughout the year whereas production of paperboard and fine paper was restricted.
- The Board has established financial targets and a strategic direction of business for MoDo.