Annual General Meeting 2002

Shareholders who together represent some 75 per cent of the votes in
Holmen AB have given notice that they will propose that the following
ordinary members of the Board be re-elected at the Annual General
Meeting on Wednesday 20 March 2002: Fredrik Lundberg, Carl Kempe, Hans
Larsson, Arne Mårtensson, Bengt Pettersson, Per Welin and Christer

It is also proposed that Göran Lundin, President and CEO of Holmen since
9 November 2001, be elected to the Board.

Authorisation to buy back shares etc
The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that it - as in
previous year - be authorised to acquire and transfer company shares.

In principle, the proposal implies that the Board will be empowered,
between now and the next AGM, to make decisions to acquire shares in the
company on the stock market.

The requested authorisation means that the company is entitled to
acquire Series "A" or Series "B" shares to such an extent that the
company's holding does not exceed 10 per cent of the total number of
shares in the company.

It is proposed that shares may be used as payment in connection with
acquisitions or to finance acquisitions.

The notice convening the AGM will be published on Thursday 14 February

For further information, please contact Johan Flodström (secretary of
the Board), tel. +46 8 666 21 00.