Holmen AB's shareholders resolved at Tuesday's Annual General Meeting in
favour of paying a dividend of SEK 69 per share, of which SEK 9
represents ordinary dividend and SEK 60 an extra dividend.
The members of the Board were re-elected: Fredrik Lundberg, Carl Kempe,
Per Ericson, Hans Larsson, Arne Mårtensson, Bengt Pettersson, Per Welin
and Christer Zetterberg.
At the statutory meeting of the Board, Fredrik Lundberg was re-elected
Chairman and Carl Kempe deputy Chairman.
The Meeting decided to reduce the share capital by MSEK 444 by
withdrawing the 8,885,827 B shares bought back in 2000 and to transfer
the amount of the capital reduction to a non-restricted reserve to be
used as decided by a General Meeting.
The Meeting also decided to authorise the Board to make a decision
during the period until the next Annual General Meeting to buy back the
company's shares on the stock market. The company's holding of its own
shares shall not exceed ten per cent of the total number of shares in
the company.
The Board was also authorised to make a decision to use bought back
shares as payment for acquisitions.
The Board did not make any decision to buy back shares. This cannot be
done until the bought back shares have been withdrawn, a process that is
expected to take about five weeks. Shares may be bought back up to an
amount not exceeding the total non-restricted equity stated in the
adopted balance sheet. Given the present conditions, this is estimated
to correspond to some five per cent of the number of outstanding shares.
President and CEO Per Ericson's address to the AGM is available at