- Profit after net financial items amounted to SKr 1,158 million (corresponding period 1998: 1,391). The profit for the second quarter was SKr 543 million compared with SKr 615 million for the first quarter.
- Profit after tax for the period amounted to SKr 786 million (960), which corresponds to earnings per share of SKr 8.80 (10.80). The return on equity was 9.4 per cent (11.7).
- Net turnover amounted to SKr 11,131 million (11,511).
- Demand for newsprint and magazine paper showed continued strength while the market for both paperboard and fine paper improved. Prices on newsprint and magazine paper, as well as paperboard prices, were stable. Fine paper prices rose towards the end of the period after having been depressed earlier in the year.
- Capacity utilisation improved for the main products during the second quarter.