
In 2022, the European Parliament adopted a new directive for corporate sustainability reporting, known as CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). CSRD covers all essential aspects of ESG, which include Environmental, Social, and Governance, aiming to enhance accessibility, quality, and comparability in sustainability reporting.

How does this affect Holmen? 

Holmen is one of the companies that, when the standard comes into effect, must report according to CSRD. But even before this year's reporting, several changes have been made to Holmen's annual report to begin adapting the reporting according to CSRD.

Starting from 2023, the GRI reporting, previously available on Holmen's website, is included in the annual report. This means that information previously only found on is now removed and instead included in the annual report. The structure of the sustainability reporting has also been adjusted to comply with CSRD.

"The importance of sustainability issues is continuously increasing, and reporting is becoming increasingly integrated with financial reporting, which I believe is the right direction to take," says Isabelle Rydelius, Sustainability Controller at Holmen.

What happens to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)?

Holmen reports according to GRI for 2023, and a GRI index is available on The news for this year is that the entire GRI report is now integrated into the annual report.

"By collecting all essential sustainability information in one place in the annual report, we can early adapt our reporting to the upcoming guidelines of CSRD. In this way, we increase transparency and comparability, enabling our stakeholders to assess and compare our sustainability performance in a more informed manner," says Isabelle Rydelius.

All departments of Holmen are involved in the work to implement the new standard for sustainability reporting. As the ambition rises, the organization is also being educated on how CSRD will affect the operations.

For inquieries regarding Holmen's sustainability reporting, please contact Isabelle Rydelius.